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Climate Change is a critically important issue with respect to both humankind and key Governmental planning. There pervades an unequivocal statement by the IPCC that CO2 is the dominant driver of global warming. With this comes the further alarmist warning that anthropogenic release of carbon dioxide must be reduced to avoid dangerous warming of the planet. This dogma has become a political religion and dogma having strong vested interests while attempting to silence the growingly powerful so-called “denialist” arguments as to why this is not so. The counter argument is based on a long stated and established role of Solar sun spot variability in addition to Mankowic sun-earth cycles which affect cosmic ray impacts on cloud formation as being the true drivers of Climate Change over aeons. This is gaining ground in credibility and provides evidence that we could well be entering a period associated with Global Cooling, rather than Global Warming! There is no clear total understanding of Climate Change but it is necessary that sanity prevails ultimately in terms of the correct and complete exploration of and conclusions drawn from the scientific data available.
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