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57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy has been extensively used at the Mineral processing and technology research centre of the University of Johannesburg. Geophagic claya raw materials as well as processed products were characterised. Calcines emanating from the Nkomati nickel bearing concentrate roasted at different temperature (5500C; 650 0C; 750 0C 850 0C and 950 0C) were studied at room temperature while the beneficiation of chromite minerals, through magnetic separation and gravity concentration steps, from the PGM’s flotation tailings was monitored using Mossbauer spectroscopy. This paper discusses results obtained from all the above extraction metallurgy processes as elucidated by Mossbauer spectroscopy at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Johannesburg.
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Main supervisor (name and email)<br>and his / her institution
Prof. Antoine F. Mulaba-BAfubiandi, amulaba@uj.ac.za
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