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Professor Reinhardt Botha, Reinhardt.Botha@nmmu.ac.za, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.
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The size distribution and growth conditions of self-assembled InSb quantum dots (QDs) on a GaSb substrate (2° off (100)) using different V/III ratios were investigated. The QDs were grown using atmospheric pressure MOVPE and a growth temperature of 425°C. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the uncapped QDs revealed that their dimensions ranged from 10 nm to 60 nm in diameter. A scanning probe microscopy (SPM) analysis of the uncapped QDs showed a bimodal size distribution of QDs on the misoriented surface of the substrate and confirmed a reduction in dot density and diameter as the V/III ratio increased from 1 to 3. Also from SPM, the heights of the QDs were determined to range from 5 nm to 19 nm. The experimental results confirm that the V/III ratio affects the size distribution and density of the QDs, which can be attributed to a change in the surface migration length of the indium species during deposition.
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