28 June 2015 to 3 July 2015
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
SAIP2015 Proceeding published on 17 July 2016

Multiple chiral bands associated with the same strongly asymmetric many-particle nucleon configuration

1 Jul 2015, 16:10
1h 50m
Board: B.296
Poster Presentation Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics Poster2



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A nuclear chiral system is formed when the total angular momentum of the nucleus is aplanar, i.e. when it has significant projections along all three nuclear axes [1]. It is revealed by the observation of degenerate ΔI = 1 partner bands [1]. Up to date, chiral candidates showing two- or multi-quasiparticle partner bands have been observed in several nuclei in A ~ 80, 100, 130 and 190 mass regions. The existence of multiple chiral partner bands (MχD) with large triaxial deformation, but with different particle-hole configuration was proposed in a single nucleus [2]. The MχD existence has been experimentally confirmed in 133Ce [3].
Contrary to MχD that differ from each other in their particle-hole configurations and may correspond to different triaxial deformations. We investigated the existence of multiple chiral bands built on the same configuration. Our calculations using the two-quasparticle-plus-triaxial-rotor model (TQPRM), confirm that more than one pair of chiral bands may exist in a nucleus with the same two-quasiparticle configuration (this was also reported in [1]). The present work studies the existence and properties of multi chiral bands built on the same many-particle nucleon configuration. Multi-particle-plus-triaxial-rotor (MPR) model calculations were performed for chiral partner bands associated with strongly asymmetric many-particle nucleon configuration in the 100, 130 and 190 mass regions. Multiple chiral systems were found, but they may not necessarily form well defined pairs of near-degenerate bands. The results from these calculations will be presented and discussed.

[1] S. Frauendorf, J. Meng, Nucl. Phys. A617, (1997)131
[2] J. Meng et al., Phys. Rev. C73, (2006)037303
[3] A.D. Ayangeakaa et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, (2013)172504

This work is supported by the NRF, South Africa.

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Primary author



Dr Elena Lawrie (iThemba LABS)

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