7-11 July 2014
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
<a href="http://events.saip.org.za/internalPage.py?pageId=16&confId=34"><font color=#0000ff>SAIP2014 Proceedings published on 17 April 2015</font></a>

Teaching Physics in isiZulu

9 Jul 2014, 15:00
D Les 310

D Les 310

Oral Presentation Track E - Physics Education Education


Dr Alan Matthews (UKZN)

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The University of KwaZulu-Natal aims to develop isiZulu as a language of scholarship. This paper reports on a project titled “Language Plan Implementation for the School of Physics” that is funded by the University Languages Board. The objective of the project is to develop a bilingual physics teaching text at foundation level, with isiZulu and English side-by-side on the page. In addition to writing the text, the project includes a survey of student attitudes to using isiZulu to teach physics which provides valuable background information to guide text development. This survey is of both isiZulu-speaking and non-isiZulu-speaking students, since both groups will be affected by such an initiative. Also of great importance is the development of physics terms in isiZulu. This paper will describe progress so far in the project.

Primary author

Dr Alan Matthews (UKZN)

Presentation Materials

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