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Chris Theron
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The reactions between Pd thin films deposited by resistive evaporation on Si and 6H-SiC substrates have been investigated by Raman, Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) and glancing-incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD). The deposited films were subsequently annealed from 100 to 800°C. At room temperature, no silicides were detected to have formed in either couple. After annealing, a reaction zone was formed between Pd and the two substrates. Pd starts to react with Si at 200°C while at 400°C with SiC. The initial phase to form in Pd-Si couples was Pd2Si and in Pd-SiC samples were Pd4Si and Pd9Si2. These initial phases formed were theoretically predicted by the binary and ternary effective heat of formation (EHF) models and the experimental results corroborate this.