Vitalii Semin
(University of KwaZulu-Natal)
Abstract content <br> (Max 300 words)<br><a href="http://events.saip.org.za/getFile.py/access?resId=0&materialId=0&confId=34" target="_blank">Formatting &<br>Special chars</a>
In this work we study methods of the non-equilibrium thermodynamics. A modification of the methods allows to apply them to open quantum systems. The main feature of these methods is the connection thermodynamical properties and dynamical properties of an open system. The indicated connection is an internal characteristic of the methods and does not depend on details of the dynamical evolution of the system. Thus, the methods allow to study the thermodynamics of an open quantum system with non-markovian evolution. The main ideas of the new approach are illustrated on two open quantum systems, namely, the damped oscillator and the driven two- levels system.
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Primary author
Vitalii Semin
(University of KwaZulu-Natal)
Francesco Petruccione
(University of KwaZulu-Natal)