Lucien Nzuzi Mbenza
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Prof Francesco Petruccione, petruccione@ukzn.ac.za, University of KwaZulu-Natal
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We present the results of a numerical modelling of a system of two distant nitrogen vacancy ensembles (NVEs) embedded in separated transmission line resonators (TLRs) with identical length coupled to a current biased Josephson Junction (CBJJ). The TLRs are connected at both ends to the Josephson Parametric amplifiers (JPA) as they are sources of a squeezed microwave field. The fluctuation of the current bias provokes dissipation in the junction which leads to entanglement. We analyse the fidelity of two modes gaussian graph (cluster) state and two entangled bosonic modes of NVEs.
Primary author
Lucien Nzuzi Mbenza