Abstract content <br> (Max 300 words)<br><a href="http://events.saip.org.za/getFile.py/access?resId=0&materialId=0&confId=34" target="_blank">Formatting &<br>Special chars</a>
The RSS in Fabry-Perot medium-resolution mode on the SALT has been used for the H&alpha observations of two of the MHONGOOSE's 30 galaxies sample : NGC 7424 and NGC 7361.
The H&alpha data of these two spiral galaxies combined with the lower spatial resolution HI provide a ideal database for mass models's analysis. This is important since those models are mainly constrained by the rising part of the rotation curves that is better sampled by the present Fabry-Perot H&alpha data. In many galaxies, especially the Sps and dIrrs, the HI emission extends much further out than the HII emission. Since the HI rotation curves probe the gravitational potential in the dark matter dominated region, they are best suited to derive the parameters of the mass distribution and specially of the dark matter halo.
I will be talking about the velocity maps of NGC 7424 and NGC 7361 obtained thanks to Prof Ted Williams's FORTRAN routines and also the kinematical analysis (rotation curves determination) using the program DISKFIT.
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Ted Williams, williams@saao.ac.za, SAAO
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