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Professor Walter Meyer, walter.Meyer@up.ac.za
University of Pretoria
Abstract content <br> (Max 300 words)
This paper presents results of a questionnaire on the nature of science completed by a group of 82 grade 10 applicants to a science enrichment programme at the University of Pretoria. The questionnaire was composed of eleven open-ended questions examining learners’ views on seven aspects of the nature of science. We discuss the results obtained and investigate the correlations between the student’s performance on the test and parents' level of education, school performance, and marks in school subjects, home language, and culture. Findings showed no significant difference in the test scores between genders. The strongest influence on the scores was found to be the educational background of the parents. Also, learners with English as a home language performed better. There was not a strong correlation between the grade 10 marks obtained in Mathematics, Science and English, neither did the pass rate of the school correlate with the test scores.