8-12 July 2013
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Tsallis entropy and quantum uncertainty in information measurement

10 Jul 2013, 17:40
Poster Presentation Track G - Theoretical and Computational Physics Poster2


Mr Mhlambululi Mafu (Centre for Quantum Technology, University of KwaZulu-Natal)

Main supervisor (name and email)<br>and his / her institution

Prof Francesco Petruccione, petruccione@ukzn.ac.za, University of KwaZulu-Natal

Abstract content <br> &nbsp; (Max 300 words)

The Tsallis entropy defines an important generalization of the usual concept of entropy which depends on parameter α. Our goal is to establish a connection between the quantum uncertainty principle and the Tsallis entropy for single discrete observables. In particular, we show that there exist a generalized uncertainty bound reached in order to appropriately express the quantum uncertainty principle in terms of the Tsallis entropy. This kind of connection forms an initial important step towards finding an important application of this α-entropy in the area of quantum communication particularly in quantum key distribution for which they have not been extensively investigated.

Level for award<br>&nbsp;(Hons, MSc, <br> &nbsp; PhD)?


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Primary author

Mr Mhlambululi Mafu (Centre for Quantum Technology, University of KwaZulu-Natal)


Prof. Francesco Petruccione (Centre for Quantum Technology, University of KwaZulu-Natal)

Presentation Materials

Peer reviewing
