8-12 July 2013
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
<a href="http://events.saip.org.za/internalPage.py?pageId=13&confId=32"><font color=#ff0000>SAIP2013 PROCEEDINGS AVAILABLE</font></a>

Synthesis and characterisation of carbon nanostructures, for hydrogen storage and gas sensing application.

10 Jul 2013, 17:40
Poster Presentation Track F - Applied Physics Poster2


Mr Charles Thulani Thethwayo (University of Zululand)

Abstract content <br> &nbsp; (Max 300 words)

In this work, we study carbon nanofibers(CNFs) grown on zinc oxide nanorods for hydrogen storage. Zinc Oxide nanodots have been deposited using DC magnetron sputtering. We have then grown aligned ZnO nanorods on the ZnO nanodots and then grown carbon fibres in vacuum using acetlylene as a source of carbon. The structure and morphology of ZnO:CNFs and ZnO nanorods have been studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM).

Carbon nanofibers have small diameters, a pore-size distribution which leads to excellent adsorption capacity and improved gas-sensing ability. Initial Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA) results are presented and they show promise that these fibres are promising candidates for hydrogen storage.

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Main supervisor (name and email)<br>and his / her institution

Prof OM Ndwandwe, muzi.ndwandwe@gmail.com, university of Zululand

Primary author

Mr Charles Thulani Thethwayo (University of Zululand)


Prof. Muzi Ndwandwe (university of Zululand) Dr Puleng Nontobeko Mbuyisa (university of Zululand) Dr cinzia Cepek (istituto dei materiali)

Presentation Materials

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