8-12 July 2013
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Investigation of characteristic signals of a black-hole pulsar binary system on the grid

12 Jul 2013, 09:20
Oral Presentation Track D1 - Astrophysics Astro


Mr Bevan Carlson (University of the Witwatersrand)

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Abstract content <br> &nbsp; (Max 300 words)

Binary Pulsars have been identified as important laboratories for the study of gravitational physics. In particular, binary systems comprising a pulsar and a black-hole present a scenario for the study of physics in the strong gravitational field regime. We use a numerical simulation to predict the arrival times and relative fluxs from a pulsar in a binary system. We use numerical methods to solve the set of four coupled, second order ODEs describing the general relativistic motion of a photon in the Kerr spacetime. Pulsar emission has been modelled by generating the necessary initial conditions for a large number of photons in a conical configuration. A sufficiently large number of these 'photon cones' are then used to describe a simple 'lighthouse-like' scenario, whereby the pulsar emits two conical beams in the plane of rotation. We evaluate an idealised case of a pulsar in a stable circular orbit around a significantly more massive black-hole, with the plane of rotation for the pulsar is in the equatiorial plane of the black-hole. In particular, we examine the superior and inferior conjunctions, with the hope of elucidating the theoretical behavior of a pulsar signal as seen by a distant observer.
Since the investigation is done at scale, considerable computing resources are needed for the execution and post-processing. For this reason, we report also the experience of running the investigation on the South African National Grid.

Primary authors

Mr Bevan Carlson (University of the Witwatersrand) Mr Bevan Tucker (University of the Witwatersrand) Dr Bruce Becker (Meraka Institute)

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