8-12 July 2013
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Electrical and magnetic properties of NdAuGe compound

9 Jul 2013, 17:40
Poster Presentation Track A - Division for Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Poster1


Mr Aiman Bashir (University of Western Cape)

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Prof Moise Tchoula Tchokonte / University of the Western Cape

Abstract content <br> &nbsp; (Max 300 words)

We report the electrical and magnetic properties of the hexagonal NdAuGe, through the measurement of X-ray diffraction (XRD), electrical resistivity ((T)), magnetic susceptibility ((T)) and magnetization ((0H)). XRD data indicate a hexagonal NdPtSbtype structure with space group P63mc. Result of electrical resistivity shows a metallic – like behavior below 150 k and a broad curvature above 150 k. The law temperature (T) data indicate the onset of a magnetic transition. (T) data at low temperature in zero field-cooled (ZFC) indicates a magnetic phase transition at temperature TN =7.8 k. The high temperature (T) data follow the Curie – Weiss relation and give effective moment value eff slightly reduced from the expected value 3.62 B of the free Nd+3 -ion. ZFC and FC (field cooling) (T) shows a bifurcation below Tf = 13 k.

Primary author

Mr Aiman Bashir (University of Western Cape)


Prof. Andre Strydom (University of Johannesburg) Mr Jasper Snyman (University of Johannesburg) Prof. Moise Tchoula Tchokonte (University of the Western Cape)

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