Olatunbosun Nubi Nubi
(University of Limpopo)
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Prof. Erasmus Rammutla
University of Limpopo
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Abstract content <br> (Max 300 words)
Single and double doped nanometric powders of TiO𝟐 were synthesised by the sol-gel process using titanium isopropoxide as the precursor. The metal dopants used were Ag and Cu. In order to investigate the TiO𝟐 phase transformation, the samples were calcined at various temperatures and then characterised by XRD, Raman and SEM techniques. The results suggests that the co-doped TiO𝟐 powders are constituted by anatase and brookite phases while in the case of pure and singly doped samples only anatase is observed. The co-existence of brookite with anatase in the co-doped sample is thought to be responsible for the enhancement of anatase to rutile transformation.
Primary author
Olatunbosun Nubi Nubi
(University of Limpopo)