Abstract Submission deadline has been extended from 14 May to 31 May 2010.
This year the initial submission will be a one-page document, consisting of:
- a 50 word abstract / summary
- a one-page short paper
Please submit ONLINE and VIA EMAIL using the following steps (PDF version of instructions):
1. Submit a summary of max 50 words (no special characters or symbols) at the online system http://agenda.saip.org.za/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=3 (You need to register first)
2. Use the template at: http://www.saip.org.za/events/saip2010/docs/SAIP2010_AbstractNr.doc. This template contains guidelines to all the formatting etc. Tex Users - see below
3. Change ONLY the 'AbstractNr' part of the filename to the abstract number you received online after step 1. If you closed that page already, you can find the abstract ID in the View my Abstracts section under Call for Abstracts
4. Complete the following on the template:
- 50 word summary / abstract
- one-page short paper
5. Email this completed document as a Word file to saip2010abstracts@saip.org.za
6. You will be notified via email once your paper has been refereed.
Tex Users
There is a template available at http://www.saip.org.za/events/saip2010/docs/AbstractTemplateTex.zip. Please note that:
- No support or guarantees accompanies with this template
- this template will be complied by using Lyx on a MikTek base
- You can test this by downloading Lyx at http://www.lyx.org. We recommend using the installation package ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/bin/1.6.6/LyX-166-4-23-AltInstaller-Complete.exe (for Windows) since this is the one that will be used to compile contributions to PDF files for the Conference Proceedings. Linux binaries as well as Max OS/2 binaries are also available at the main site.