27 September 2010 to 1 October 2010
CSIR Convention Centre
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

An optical system to study temperature influenced chemical and mechanical changes to the PCD structure

Not scheduled
CSIR Convention Centre

CSIR Convention Centre

CSIR, Pretoria
Presentation Track F - Applied and Industrial Physics


Ms Bathusile Masina (CSIR-National Laser Centre)


In this investigation a polycrystalline diamond (PCD) body produced under High Pressure High Temperature (HTHP) conditions was heated using a CO2 laser. The resultant surface temperature profile was measured optically by using the grey body emission from the PCD. This temperature measurement system allows one to study temperature influenced chemical and mechanical changes to the PCD structure.

Primary author

Ms Bathusile Masina (CSIR-National Laser Centre)


Prof. Andrew Forbes (CSIR-National Laser Centre)

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