Bonex Mwakikunga
(CSIR National Laser Centre)
Raman spectroscopy of the nano-ribbons, about 10 nm thick as found by AFM, is discussed in the framework of the Richter equation for phonon confinement (1) as modified for thin films by Faucet & Campbell1, (2) as modified by Kim et al2 for slabs and (3) our own modification based on the transformation from the spherical coordinates in the Richter equation to Cartesian coordinates; this being in keeping with the ribbon geometry. For ribbons whose thickness is too small for phonon confinement models, phonon splitting is observed and this is explained in terms of Lermann et al3 and Volodin et al’s4 formalisms.
Primary author
Bonex Mwakikunga
(CSIR National Laser Centre)