3-7 July 2023
University of Zululand
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
The Proceedings of SAIP2023 Published: 20 December 2023

Management of High-Level Radioactive Waste in South Africa

6 Jul 2023, 11:40
University of Zululand

University of Zululand

Oral Presentation Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics


Dr Suzan Bvumbi (National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute)


The National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute (NRWDI) is mandated by both the NRWDI Act No.53 of 2008 and the South African Radioactive Waste (Radwaste) Management Policy and Strategy (RWMPS) of 2005 to nationally manage the storage and disposal of all classes of radioactive waste. The disposal of Radwaste in stable geological repositories has been recognised as the ultimate world best practice solution and an endpoint for radioactive waste containment and separation from the biosphere. The key issue is that Radwaste is perceived by the public as a danger to society and the environment. The management of High-level Waste (HLW), and particularly Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) from Nuclear Reactors still poses a fundamental challenge to the environment mainly due to the presence of long-lived radionuclides like Uranium, Plutonium, and various actinides contained in SNF and associated HLW. We report here on methods and techniques employed to manage HLW and SNF in South Africa as SNF is largely viewed as both a resource and a waste.

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Primary author

Dr Suzan Bvumbi (National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute)

Presentation Materials

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