Samson Okikiola Oparanti1, Andrew Adewunmi Adekunle2, Abdulsalam Ismaila Galadima2, Abdelghaffar Amoka Abdelmalik2
1. Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 555, boulevard de l'Université, Saguenay, Quebec, G7H 2B1
2. Ahmadu Bello University Zaria Samaru Campus, Community Market, 810211, ![enter image description here][1]Zaria, Nigeria
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In this work, we study the (2+1)D graphene in a magnetic field in non-commutative space. We solve the system in a direct method in order to obtain the energy eigenvalues and the corresponding wave function of the system.To conclude in the end that the studied system has been affected by the deformation of the space.
This paper is linked to the research and development in the field of Monte Carlo simulation and its application in the simulation of X-ray sources. In this work, the Geant4 toolkit was used to simulate X-ray spectra produced by the interaction of an electron beam with a dense target of Tungsten in an X-ray tube. Additionally, We simulated the Half-Value Layer (HVL) and spatial distribution of...
Based on Mean Field Theory, Exact Recursion Relations, and Monte Carlo Simulations, we have studied phase diagrams and magnetic properties of the mixed system of Ising spin-7/2 and spin-1/2 coupled ferrimagnetically. The system consists of two interpenetrating face-centered cubic sublattices of each spin type. A comparative analysis of the obtained results by these methods has been developed....
This talk presents a brief overview of the cosmological implications of evolving the cosmological and gravitational 'constants' with time. We will show that such considerations might alleviate the so-called cosmological constant and coincidence problems and open potential avenues for the resolution of the dark energy dilemma.
In the centre of mass frame, we have investigated the process of Higgs-strahlung production in association with a pair of fermions, $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow f\bar{f} H$, at the leading order in the presence of an intense electromagnetic field with circular polarization. Our analytical calculations are based on the Narrow Width Approximation (NWA), which is valid in the leading order as...
In this work, we study the thermodynamic features of a non-linear magnetic-charged AdS black hole surrounded by quintessence, in the background of perfect fluid dark matter(PFDM). After having constructed the corresponding metric, we put out the mass and the temperature of the black hole, in order to get its entropy. Subsequently, we find the expression of the pressure which leads us to get...
The adsorption of C, N, O, CO, CN, NCO and OCN, as well as CO, CN, NCO and OCN decomposition on Ag(110) surface were studied by using the density functional theory (DFT) combined with the periodic slab model. Preferential site of each adsorbate has been determinated : C, N and O (hollow site), CO and CN (top site), NCO (long bridge site) and OCN (short bridge site). Work function and dipole...
The study was carried out to map out litho-structures in the Gombe arm of Benue trough by interpreting gravity data of the study area using the Analytical signal method. The bouguer and analytic maps were drawn and represented in the work to show the distribution of the anomalies in the study area. The method displays the gravity anomalies of an area through the amplitudes of the directional...
The evolution of even–A {112-124}^Sn isotopes is investigated using the relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Theory within the explicit Density Dependent Meson-Exchange (DD-ME2) and Density-Dependent Point-Coupling (DD-PC1) models. The binding energies are compared to the predictions of finite range droplet model (FRDM) and to the available experimental data. A reasonable and satisfactory...
Alternating ladders constructed from unit cells consisting of two rungs with odd number of sites (one or three sites) connected to two rungs with even number of sites (two sites) are investigated using the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model. Rich phase diagrams of topological insulating phases separated by critical lines are identified and compared to phases of regular two and three leg SSH...
The present study aims to assess environmental pollution and human health hazard due to potentially toxic elements content in the soils of a prospective phosphate mining area in Hinda district. 24 soil samples were collected in a study area. Samples were analyzed using ICP-MS. Results obtained shown mean concentration of potentially toxic elements above the upper continental crust (UCC) and...
- Introduction (section 1) 10 pt Bold
This study aimed at analyzing the concentrations of macro and trace elements in Lavandula stoechas medicinal plant from Lamaceae family grown in Senhaja Srair region in the Moroccan Central High Rif.
To estimate and evaluate the concentration of Na, K, Mg, Mn, Cl, Ca , heavy metals and rare earth elements two analytical techniques are used such as...
A battery is an electrochemical device which converts chemical energy in its active materials to electrical energy via electrochemical reactions (Jung et al., 2016). The temperature, current, and voltage of the battery need to be monitored and used to determine the state of charge and state of health of the battery used in the car in real time. The car starter motor usually...
As Africa develops, more Africans are living in populated areas, where atmospheric pollution reaches high levels and put their lives at risk. Exposure to air pollution can lead to a wide range of diseases, which includes headaches, stroke, lung cancers, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, dementia, asthma, type 2 diabetes, and respiratory infections. More generally, chronic exposure can...
We present an ultrasonic-based radar mapping system using MATLAB by Sending sound waves generated from a piezoelectric transducer, ultrasonic transmitters measure the time taken for the reflected wave to return to the transducer to determine the distance of the object. As the technology shift toward autonomous driving, there is some concern about the safety of the technology being used, but...
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a Raman variant technique that uses the plasmonic characteristics of metallic nanostructures to intensify Raman signals. The most widely utilized metallic nanoparticles are silver, gold, and copper nanoparticles. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are the most sensitive, with distinctive optical, physical, catalytic, and chemical properties. Physical and...
Saturnin Enzonga Yoca1,2, Exaucé Bokamba Motoumba1, Pascal Quinet2, Patrick Palmeri2
1 Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Marien Ngouabi University, BP 69, Brazzaville, Congo
2 African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education - CAMES, O1 BP 134 Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso
3 Atomic Physics and Astrophysics, University of Mons - UMONS, B-7000 Mons, Belgium
4 IPNAS, Liège University,...
The fuel depletion analysis of the NIRR-1 core was performed, and the results were consistent with the literature for the HEU core for similar calculations using different methods, indicating that WIMS-ANL AND REBUS-ANL can be considered a reliable tool for estimating the fuel burnup of a potential LEU core. According to the provided actinide inventory, approximately 1% of the initial U^235...
Recent achievements based on lead halide (Pb) perovskites have prompted extensive research on low cost photovoltaics to avoid the main challenges in this regard: Stability and toxicity. In this study, the modeling of the lead-free (Pb) perovskite solar cell device was carried out by considering (RbGeI3) as the absorbing layer of the perovskite. The objective of this work, is to study and...
Using spin-polarized density-functional calculations with generalized gradient approximation (GGA) as the exchange-correlation functional, we report the energetics of adsorption, as well as the electronic and magnetic properties of homonuclear bromine molecule deposited on the Fe/W(110) substrate. The Fe/W(110) substrate consist in Fe monolayer on the topmost W(110) layer such that the Fe...
We report total energy and electronic structure calculation of SiC/Si interface with unequal atom densities due to apparent lattice matching between them. The result shows several distinctive metastable structures depending on which interface systems are involved. We find that, for a particular interfacial system, the energy differences range between 10-52 meV per Å2 for both Si-C and Si-Si...
Crystallographic databases play a vital role in materials research, influencing materials development and providing a reference for materials characterization. Material identification using Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) method is the most powerful technique in solid state characterization since the landmark 1936 publication of Hanawalt and Rinn [1]. The International Centre for Diffraction...
In this work we present a technique of sorting out waste plastics using FTIR spectroscopy. The IR spectroscopy involves irradiating a sample with light then measurement of absorbance or transmittance is done. This absorption occurs as a result of the vibration and rotation of molecules. Each sample has a unique spectrum, and an analysis of the IR spectra is able to provide the identity of the...
To combat malaria, we have developed a diagnostic system using smartphone. Our approach for detecting malaria is based on a smartphone with a 32MP front-facing camera, a 100x phone camera lens, and a custom-written application that makes use of Python's powerful image libraries. The enhanced characteristics of smartphones, such as high-resolution cameras, have made it simple to design a...
1 Introduction
A magnetic field has been popularly exploited in experiments to manipulate the magnetic properties of materials. The material's response under the external magnetic field can be quantified by magnetic susceptibility. In the computational approach, the magnetic susceptibility is evaluated in the limit of atomistic spin dynamics level, preventing studies on field-dependent...
Salt tolerance is an important constrain for Africa rice. Soil salinity is one of the major
constraints affecting rice production worldwide, especially in the northern part of
Senegal. Susceptibility or tolerance of rice plants to high salinity is a coordinated action
of multiple stress responsive genes, which also interacts with other components of
stress signal transduction pathways....