14-18 November 2022
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Big Science and Big Goals for Africa

T1 : AfLS Topics

Programme Outline

Our conference programme consists of joint plenaries, workshops, town hall gatherings, and streams of parallel sessions on a robust set of topics.  Contributed oral presentations and posters are welcome.

The African Light Source (AfLS) Foundation endeavors to progress African science and engineering, and to establish an advanced light source on the African continent, along with developing all the necessary human and institutional infrastructure.

Advanced light sources are the most transformational scientific facilities currently known, impacting fields from anthropology, biophysics, and chemistry, to Earth sciences, engineering, medicine, paleontology, physics, materials science, vaccinology, and zoology.  Investments in big science facilities are positively related to increasing national economic outputs, increasing efficiencies, greater attractiveness for investments –domestic and foreign, improvement in training and job opportunities, reduction of disease burdens, and ultimately increases in quality of life.

An advanced light source in Africa is vital if African governments and civil society are to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

As advanced light sources support multiple disciplines, the AfLS conference formally includes participation by the following Pan African scientific societies, which we are proud to count as supporters and partners in our vision towards an African light source.


Altogether the meeting organizers invite submissions in the following areas:

African Astronomical Society (AfAS)

Data Science
Pan African Large Science Facilities
Crystallography in Space Science

African Crystallographic Association - Pan African Conference on Crystallography (AfCA / PCCr)

Crystallography Databases
Inorganic Materials and Industrial Minerals
Crystal Engineering and Structural Chemistry
Crystallography and Life Sciences
Large Facilities for Emerging Countries
Diffraction Physics and Phase Transitions

African Geophysical Society (AfGS)

Data Science
Earth and Planetary Sciences

African Institute of Planetary and Space Sciences (AIPSS)

Data Science
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Crystallography in Space Science

African Materials Research Society (AMRS)

All Areas of Materials Science especially physical and theoretical/computational methods
Instrumentation and MId-scale Facilities for Materials Research

African Optics and Photonics Society (AOPS) and African Laser Centre (ALC)

Accelerator Physics
Beamline Optics
Photonic Materials
Laser Probes in Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Telescope Optics and Photonics

African Physical Society (AfPS)

Accelerator and Detector Physics and Engineering
Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitational Physics
Atomic and Molecular Physics
Chemical and Biological Physics
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Data Science
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Fluid and Plasma Physics
Gender Equity in African Science
History of Science in Africa
Mathematical and Computational Physics
Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Nuclear and Particle Physics
Optics and Photonics
Science and Engineering Education in Africa
Science and Engineering Policy in Africa
Translational Research and Technology Transfer
X-ray and Neutron Sciences

African Society for Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies

Nanostructured Materials
Manufacturing and Applications

Biostruct Africa

Structural Biology in Animal Health
Structural Biology in Human Health
Structural Biology in Plant Biology
Structural Biology in Biotechnology

Federation of African Immunological Societies (FAIS)

Physical Methods and Imaging in Cellular Immunology
Structural Biology and Molecular Immunology

Federation of African Societies of Chemistry (FASCHEM)

Analytical Chemistry
Computational/Theoretical Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Materials Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry

Federation of African Medical Physics Organizations (FAMPO)


Federation of African Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (FASBMB)

Structural Biology