14-18 November 2022
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Big Science and Big Goals for Africa

Salt Tolerance in Glaberrima rice: Mechanism and approach using micro-proton induced x- ray emission techniques

18 Nov 2022, 11:30
Partner Partner


Alassane TRAORE (Universite Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar)


Salt tolerance is an important constrain for Africa rice. Soil salinity is one of the major
constraints affecting rice production worldwide, especially in the northern part of
Senegal. Susceptibility or tolerance of rice plants to high salinity is a coordinated action
of multiple stress responsive genes, which also interacts with other components of
stress signal transduction pathways. Salt tolerant varieties can be produced by using
two different sets of germplasm. One comprised of a diversity panel of 317 accessions
of O. Glaberrima received from Africa Rice Genetic Resources Unit and checks: FL478
(salt tolerance), IR 29 (salt sensitive), Sahel 210 and Sahel 134. The second is comprised
of an indica diversity panel of 330 genotypes received from IRRI. Both sets were
evaluated under control conditions where they were grown under irrigated lowland
conditions using non-saline river water (EC <1 dSm-1) and also under saline conditions
in a concrete-lined field where salinity was maintained at 4 dSm-1. In this review, we
have updated on mechanisms and genes which can help in transferring of the salt
tolerance into high-yielding rice varieties. We have focused on the need for integrating
plant biology into transgenic and breeding approaches to develop high-yielding as
well as salt tolerant rice varieties. PIXE studies have been performed for determination
of different elements in rice plants. The micro beam analytical technique existent at the
iThemba LABS was applied for the 2D image mapping of fresh rice tissues. The
technique will be used to measure the concentration of low atomic mass elements
based on the targeted it in the rice plants with detection limits of typically 1-10μg/g.

Primary authors

Ahmadou Wague (African Physical; Society) Alassane TRAORE (Universite Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar) Anna NDIAYE Christopher MTSHALI Karim TRAORE Papa Adama KA, Manne BABOUCAR Tapha GUEYE

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