1-8 July 2022
Virtual Conference
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Optimised mathematical library for Atmel microcontrollers.

5 Jul 2022, 12:15
Zoom Platform (Virtual Conference)

Zoom Platform

Virtual Conference

Oral Presentation Track F - Applied Physics Applied Physics


Dr Marco Mariola (University Of Kwazulu Natal)


Microcontroller units often are essential parts for experimental setups and automatic control. Since the simplifications of the programming platforms, the microcontrollers have become accessible to a large spectrum of researchers, also with limited knowledge of the microcontroller systems.
Over a plug and play philosophy, the simplification pertains to the software realisation since many functions are available. The users often consider the software library a black-box object, and sometimes improper use of the library can result in a failed system. Some of the available libraries for mathematical calculation are not well optimised in terms of algorithm and memory management. In this work, a well-optimised library for the Atmel microcontroller is presented. The library presented is optimised for matrix calculation and memory optimisation.

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Primary author

Dr Marco Mariola (University Of Kwazulu Natal)

Presentation Materials