1-8 July 2022
Virtual Conference
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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High School learners’ difficulties with kinematics graphs

4 Jul 2022, 15:00
Zoom Platform (Virtual Conference)

Zoom Platform

Virtual Conference

Oral Presentation Track E - Physics for Development, Education and Outreach Physics for Development, Education and Outreach


Mr Itumeleng Phage (Honorary)


Kinematics is one of the topics taught at high school, from Grade 10 to Grade 12. This study was conducted with Grade 11 learners to determine their understanding of kinematics graphs in physical science. A questionnaire consisting of algebraic graphs in mathematics and kinematics graphs were distributed to 98 Grade 11 learners. The responses were analysed statistically. The results showed that majority of learners have difficulties in the construction, analysis, and interpretation of not only kinematics graphs but algebraic graphs. The learners’ prior knowledge of algebraic graphs and functions were supposed to assist them in the comprehension of kinematics graphs and equations. They had the difficulties with variables also in algebra as a result it made them more difficult to understand and relate variables in algebra with those in kinematics. Though learners could answer questions in algebra, they struggled to connect the meaning of the variables and to relate them to the meaning of underlying kinematics concepts. The other difficulties they encountered was setting up a scale for kinematics when constructing them. The learners in this regard showed they lacked scientific knowledge or literacy to comprehend kinematics graphs. The study also agreed with previous studies that learners are unable to integrate their mathematics knowledge with the physics concepts or transfer their kinematics knowledge to algebra.

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Primary author

Mr Itumeleng Phage (Honorary)

Presentation Materials

Peer reviewing
