1-8 July 2022
Virtual Conference
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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The Physics of Core-Collapse Supernovae

5 Jul 2022, 12:15
Zoom Platform (Virtual Conference)

Zoom Platform

Virtual Conference

Oral Presentation Track G - Theoretical and Computational Physics Theoretical and Computational Physics


Ms Wandile Nzuza (University of Witwatersrand)


The core-collapse supernovae(CCSN) can be described as an explosion that occurs when a massive star ($\sim 8\times M_{\odot}$) dies, where $\ M_{\odot}$ is the astronomical symbol representing solar mass. The later supernovae(SN) explosion yields to a shock wave distribution. In this study, the computations specifically looking at the shock wave (or simply shock) distribution were performed. Hence, the Taylor Sedov solution was used together with physics related assumptions involved in simplifying the equations. This so-called Sedov solution is used to calculate the energy released in a SN explosion, the typical radius and velocity of the propagating shock. For Crab Nebula SN remnant, the energy released was found to be $\sim 1.236\times 10^{61}\ eV$. In general, this means that the shock is approximately $10^{30}\ eV$ more powerful than a lightning bolt (that is, $6.242\times 10^{27}eV$). Thus, the shock radius was found to be $\sim 9.556\times10^{16}\ m$, the meaning behind this is that the radius of the blastwave is $10^{10}\ m$ times longer than the $R_{\odot}$ (radius of the Earth). Lastly, the velocity of the propagating shock wave was found to be roughly $1.349\times10^{6}\ m/s$. This generally means that the shock travels with a speed close to the speed of light $(c = 3 \times 10^{8}\ m/s)$.

keywords: Core-Collapse Supernovae, Taylor Sedov Solution, Supernova remnant, Blastwave, Shock wave

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Primary authors

Mr Njabulo Mkhwanazi (University of Zululand) Ms Busisiwe Mbuyisa (University of Venda) Ms Wandile Nzuza (University of Witwatersrand)

Presentation Materials