18-20 November 2020
Hosted virtually by the AfLS & AfPS
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
AfLS2020 and AfPS2020 - Towards a brighter future

Paineira beamline for time-resolved and high resolution X-ray diffraction experiments at Sirius

20 Nov 2020, 17:25
Zoom (sent to registered delegates) (Hosted virtually by the AfLS & AfPS)

Zoom (sent to registered delegates)

Hosted virtually by the AfLS & AfPS



Dr Dean Barrett (CNPEM/LNLS)


The Paineira beamline is optimized for powder diffraction with combined spectroscopy techniques and is aimed at the structural characterization of polycrystalline materials under operando working conditions. The talk will briefly cover the fundamental parameters of the Sirius storage ring, the 1st phase beamlines currently under commissioning and finally a brief overview of the Paineria beamline and its capabilities


The new 4th generation Sirius synchrotron brings new possibilities for scientific research to the Southern hemisphere. My talk aims to share a brief overview of this new facility with special reference to the Paineira beamline

Primary author

Dr Dean Barrett (CNPEM/LNLS)

Presentation Materials

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