18-20 November 2020
Hosted virtually by the AfLS & AfPS
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
AfLS2020 and AfPS2020 - Towards a brighter future

African Synchrotron Network for Advanced Energy Materials

19 Nov 2020, 16:00
Zoom (sent to registered delegates) (Hosted virtually by the AfLS & AfPS)

Zoom (sent to registered delegates)

Hosted virtually by the AfLS & AfPS

Oral Presentations AfLS2020 track AfLS2020 Session :


Dr Marcus Newton (University of Southampton)


New materials for the capture of light and mechanical energy can potentially enable low-cost and innovative renewable sources of energy while eliminating negative effects on the environment that are inherent when non-renewable sources of energy are utilised. Energy materials characterisation with synchrotron x-rays is a vital tool for the development of modern and next generation energy harvesting and storage technologies. The advent of the first African Light Source (AfLS) has the potential to transform the energy materials and related technology industries that underpin a robust and sustainable economy. The ASNAEM project aims to expand the local knowledge base and build capacity in the existing synchrotron community in preparation for the AfLS. It will enable sustainable partnerships that extend beyond the lifetime of the project. In this talk, I will discuss the activities of the ASNAEM project and our vision for synchrotron science at the AfLS.

Primary author

Dr Marcus Newton (University of Southampton)

Presentation Materials