18-20 November 2020
Hosted virtually by the AfLS & AfPS
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
AfLS2020 and AfPS2020 - Towards a brighter future

Crystallography in Africa: the IUCR-UNESCO Africa Initiative

19 Nov 2020, 16:24
Zoom (sent to registered delegates) (Hosted virtually by the AfLS & AfPS)

Zoom (sent to registered delegates)

Hosted virtually by the AfLS & AfPS

Oral Presentations AfLS2020 track AfLS2020 Session :


Prof. Claude Lecomte (CRM2 University of Lorraine)


Crystallography is a science at the crossroads of physics , chemistry , geology, biology and material science .This involves therefore many researchers from all disciplines and then allows a general scientific life and network . Crystallography is involved in mining, material ,chemical , pharmaceutical industries. X-ray Crystallography is an important user of SR .Then it is very important to develop this science in sub-Saharan Africa. In 2014, for the International Year of Crystallography, the International Union of Crystallography (IUCR, www.iucr.org , Profs G. Desiraju and C. Lecomte) together with UNESCO ( Prof Nalecz , Dr JP Ngome) have started an ambitious program called IUCR-UNESCO Africa Initiative to promote crystallography teaching and research. This talk will introduce the Initiative: crystallography equipment for universities , schools ,open/ travelling labs .

Primary author

Prof. Claude Lecomte (CRM2 University of Lorraine)

Presentation Materials