2-4 September 2019
School of Tourism and Hospitality
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Online Church: The Impact Of Technology And Religion In The Digital Age

3 Sep 2019, 16:00
Protea Auditorium (School of Tourism and Hospitality)

Protea Auditorium

School of Tourism and Hospitality

University of Johannesburg Bunting Road Campus Auckland Park Johannesburg South Africa
Speaker Plenary Session IV


Ms Tsholofelo Masetshaba Mosala (N/A)


The concept of religion in anthropology, is understood to be a sort of cultural script- a strong framing narrative for daily life in many parts of the world. The digital technology has make it into the social settings and mirrors new sociocultural realities. Today, church sermons can be lived-streamed, downloaded online and congregants can actively participate from the comfortable of their homes. The power of the internet space has become a cultural game changer, infusing both religion and technology into one space. The study sets out to investigate the experiences of users who surf the cyberspace, the different religious outcome between television viewing and internet. The purpose is to describe the behavioural patterns and the socio-economic backgrounds of participates. The study argues that techno-religion as a social reality excludes the underprivileged thereby placing digital technology in question.

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