2-4 September 2019
School of Tourism and Hospitality
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Personhood, Animals And Robots In African Philosophy

3 Sep 2019, 08:45
School of Tourism and Hospitality

School of Tourism and Hospitality

University of Johannesburg Bunting Road Campus Auckland Park Johannesburg South Africa
Speaker Plenary Session I


Dr Motsamai Molefe (University of Fort Hare)


This essay considers the moral status of robots in the light of the idea of personhood salient in African philosophy. Specifically, I aim to consider whether robots can be objects of moral concern. To do so, I will first consider the place and status of animals in the light of personhood. I will consider moral reasons offered by the ethics of personhood to exclude animals from the moral community. I will proceed to consider whether robots can have moral status in light of personhood. I will conclude by observing that robots will be excluded from the moral community on more or less the same reasons that animals are excluded.

Primary author

Dr Motsamai Molefe (University of Fort Hare)

Presentation Materials

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