12-15 July 2011
Saint George Hotel
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Graphene Coatings:Snythesi/Physical-Chemical Investigations

13 Jul 2011, 17:00


Poster Presentation Track A - Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science Poster1


Mr Nangamso Nathaniel Nyangiwe (iTemba LABS and University of the Western Cape)


The main aim of this project is to synthesize, isolate, identify and characterize graphene, defined as a one-atom layer of hexagonally bonded carbon atoms using mechanical exfoliation method. Moreover, this technique is based on pulling apart the layers of a piece of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite(HOPG) and transfer layers from the graphite onto a SiO2 substrate. Graphene is the first truly 2D dimensional material and has a number of remarkable mechanical and electrical properties. It is substantially stronger than steel, and it is very stretchable. The thermal and electrical conductivity is very high and it can be used as a flexible conductor. Graphene is a zero-gap semiconductor and has a novel electron structure, with its conduction and valence bands meeting at the Dirac point. This characteristic enables the electron conduction by shifting the Fermi level with applied field.

Consider for a student <br> &nbsp; award (Yes / No)? YES
Level (Hons, MSc, <br> &nbsp; PhD, other)? MSc
Would you like to <br> submit a short paper <br> for the Conference <br> Proceedings (Yes / No)? NO

Primary authors

Prof. Maaza Malik (iTemba LABS) Mr Nangamso Nathaniel Nyangiwe (iTemba LABS and University of the Western Cape)


Prof. Tchokonte Moise (University of the Western Cape)

Presentation Materials

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