In heavy ion reactions the emission of Intermediate Mass Fragments (IMFs) at forward angles is dominated by the direct break-up process. To improve our understanding of this process in the reaction mechanisms involving the interaction of light projectiles with light to heavy target nuclei, a coincidence measurement was performed at iThemba LABS. Standard ΔE-E detector telescopes were used to identify and measure the energies of the of the correlated 8Be and alpha particles produced in the binary break-up of 12C projectiles at an incident energy of 400 MeV. While the 8Be fragments were detected in their ground state at a fixed angle of 9º, the correlated alpha particles were measured on the opposite side of the beam, covering an angular range from 16º to 26º. Two dimensional energy spectra were generated for each alpha-particle angle in order to distinguish quasi-elastic events from inelastic break-up events. These spectra also allowed to identify events originating from the interaction of the 12C beam with an H contaminant on the target foils and to subsequently correct for these events in the extraction of angular distributions for alpha particles in coincidence with quasi-elastic 8Be particles. The angular distributions obtained from the interaction of 12C with 93Nb and 197Au show a smooth decreasing trend with respect to the alpha-particle angle, which suggests that the binary break-up of 12C seems to be independent of the target nucleus. A deviation from this trend is however observed for the 12C target. As a first attempt to interpret these results a comparison between the measured angular distributions and GEANT4 simulations will be presented.
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