12-15 July 2011
Saint George Hotel
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Intervalley and Intravalley Scattering in Diamond Structure, Si and Ge

13 Jul 2011, 17:00


Poster Presentation Track A - Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science Poster1


Dr Augusto Machatine (University of Pretoria)


Optical selection rules for the intervalley scattering for direct and indirect transitions are investigated. The non-zero matrix elements of the scattering tensors are derived by the method of vector coupling coefficients. These coefficients are needed for the understanding of Gunn effect.

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Primary authors

Dr Augusto Machatine (University of Pretoria) Mr Prime Niyongabo (University of Pretoria)


Prof. Herbert Kunert (University of Pretoria) Mr Hezekia Mapingire (University of Pretoria)

Presentation Materials

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