12-15 July 2011
Saint George Hotel
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Tracking a quantum wavefunction in the presence of noise

15 Jul 2011, 09:00


Oral Presentation Track C - Lasers, Optics and Spectroscopy LOS


Dr Hermann Uys (National Laser Centre, CSIR)


We simulate real-time quantum state estimation due to a sequence of so-called "unsharp" measurements applied to a two-level system undergoing Rabi oscillations. These measurements allow an experimentalist to extract information about the system without destroying the quantum state. They can be realized physically through the use of auxilary quantum states in addition to the quantum state of interest. Here we demonstrate that high fidelity state estimation is possible even in the presence of significant dephasing and amplitude noise, thus allowing the quantum state to be monitored long beyond the coherence time set by the noise in the absence of measurements.

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Primary author

Dr Hermann Uys (National Laser Centre, CSIR)


Prof. Thomas Konrad (UKZN)

Presentation Materials

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