12-15 July 2011
Saint George Hotel
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

A search for the 5 alpha condensate state in 20Ne

13 Jul 2011, 11:00


Oral Presentation Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics NPRP


Mr Cobus Swartz (Stellenbosch University & iThemba LABS)


Quantum condensation of alpha particles is believed to occur in cluster states of the self-conjugate alpha nuclei 12C and 16O. This phenomenon is similar to the Bose-Einstein condensation observed through the laser cooling of atoms such as Rb or Na. A state of this nature, which must be of 0+ character, is expected to exist just above the 5 alpha decay threshold in 20Ne. In this region, only high spin states Jiπ≥4+ are known. This is mainly due to the types of reactions usually used to populate states in this nucleus. Alpha-particle inelastic scattering will be performed close to zero degrees with the K600 magnetic spectrometer at iThemba LABS. This will provide a sensitive probe for states of the 0+ character which may be associated with the 5 alpha particle condensate state, while enhancing the L = 0 angular momentum peaks. Additionally, measurements will be made at two larger angles in order to demonstrate the L = 0 character.

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Primary author

Mr Cobus Swartz (Stellenbosch University & iThemba LABS)


Prof. Martin Freer (University of Birmingham) Dr Paul Papka (Stellenbosch University) Dr Retief Neveling (iThemba LABS) Dr Ricky Smit (iThemba LABS)

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