12-15 July 2011
Saint George Hotel
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Towards the unconditional security proof for the Coherent-One-Way (COW) protocol

13 Jul 2011, 15:00


Oral Presentation Track G - Theoretical and Computational Physics Theoretical


Mr Mhlambululi Mafu (Centre for Quantum Technology)


Quantum Cryptography, one aspect of which is Quantum Key Distri- bution (QKD), provides the only physically secure and proven method for the transmission of a secret key between two distant parties, Alice and Bob. The goal of QKD is to guarantee that a possible eavesdropper (Eve), with access to the communication channel is unable to obtain useful information about the message. The Coherent-One-Way (COW) protocol is one of the most recent practical QKD protocols. However, its security proof still remains unrealized. We therefore present a necessary condition for the security of the COW protocol. In the proof, we describe bob's measurements by non-commuting POVM elements which satisfies this proof.

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Primary author

Mr Mhlambululi Mafu (Centre for Quantum Technology)


Ms Adriana Marais (center for Quantum Technology) Prof. Francesco Petruccione (Center for Quantum Technology)

Presentation Materials