The H -> ZZ(*) -> 4leptons channel is one of the most promising channels for a low-mass Higgs boson, as it has both a clean signature and a large branching fraction for Higgs mass below a few hundred GeV. The ATLAS experiment has explored this channel using the LHC collisions data at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, using data-driven background estimation techniques. Some Abelian Hidden Sector models predict the existence of new Higgs and gauge (Z') bosons, weakly coupled to the Standard Model (SM) sector. The decay of the SM Higgs to a pair of Z' bosons is allowed, possibly with a large branching fraction, by the mixing of the Higgs sectors. The decay of the Z' bosons to lepton pairs with a large branching fraction can then be explored in the same way as the standard H -> ZZ(*) -> 4l channel, by relaxing the constraints on the di-lepton invariant mass. Perspectives on this new approach with the ATLAS experiment are presented.
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