15-21 April 2012
Africa/Johannesburg timezone


Day 1 - Opening and Signatory

16 Apr 2012, 07:30
Old Court House (Matjiesfontein)

Old Court House


<a target="_blank" href="http://www.matjiesfontein.com/">Matjiesfontein</a>, Western Cape Province, South Africa


Day 1 - Opening and Signatory

  • Stoffel Fourie (TUT)

Presentation Materials

There are no materials yet.
16/04/2012, 10:38
16/04/2012, 10:58
16/04/2012, 11:58
Ray Jansen (Tshwane University of Technology)
16/04/2012, 13:00
Pieter Marias (TUT)
16/04/2012, 13:00
Prince Ngobeni (TUT)
16/04/2012, 13:10
Robert Kriger (NRF)
16/04/2012, 13:20
Moctar Doucoure (AEON)
16/04/2012, 13:30
Stoffel Fourie (TUT)
16/04/2012, 13:40
Ludwig Combrinck (HartRAO)
16/04/2012, 13:50
John Mathew (Transnet Rail Engineering)
16/04/2012, 14:00
Danel Van Tonder (TUT student)
16/04/2012, 14:10
Louis Beneke (TUT student)
16/04/2012, 14:25
16/04/2012, 14:35
Roeland Vlok (TUT student)
16/04/2012, 15:00
Willem Viljoen (TUT student)
16/04/2012, 15:15
Simpiwe Mbana (TUT student)
16/04/2012, 15:30
Laurent Ameglio (EXIGE)
16/04/2012, 15:45
Bryan Ballentyne (Transnet Rail Engineering)
16/04/2012, 16:00
16/04/2012, 19:00
Building timetable...