27 September 2010 to 1 October 2010
CSIR Convention Centre
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Elastic constants of single crystal InAs0.91Sb0.09 determined by surface Brillouin scattering

Not scheduled
CSIR Convention Centre

CSIR Convention Centre

CSIR, Pretoria
Presentation Track A - Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science


Prof. Darrell Comins (University of the Witwatersrand)


Surface Brillouin scattering is used to determine the velocities of the Rayleigh surface wave, pseudo-surface wave and longitudinal lateral wave measured in the [100] and [110] directions in a (100) surface of single crystal InAs0.91Sb0.09. Explicit secular functions for the wave velocities are used to extract the elastic constants.

Primary author

Mr Lesias Kotane (University of the Witwatersrand)


Prof. Arthur Every (University of the Witwatersrand) Prof. Darrell Comins (University of the Witwatersrand) Prof. Reinhardt Botha (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University)

Presentation Materials

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