27 September 2010 to 1 October 2010
CSIR Convention Centre
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

The effect of Hagedorn model in the nuclear matter on thermodynamic quantities

Not scheduled
CSIR Convention Centre

CSIR Convention Centre

CSIR, Pretoria
Presentation Track G - Theoretical and Computational Physics


Mr Dawit Worku (University of Cape Town)


We analyze recent data on particle production yields which is obtained in collider experiments within the statistical model. We calculate the thermodynamic quantities and speed of sound in a resonance hadron gases, whose mass spectrum is assumed to have hagedorn form. Finally, we compared our results with those obtained from other models.

Primary author

Mr Dawit Worku (University of Cape Town)


Prof. Azwinndini Muronga (University of Cape Town) Prof. Jean Cleymans (University of Cape Town)

Presentation Materials

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