27 September 2010 to 1 October 2010
CSIR Convention Centre
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Studying Chirality in Nuclei

Not scheduled
CSIR Convention Centre

CSIR Convention Centre

CSIR, Pretoria
Presentation Track B - Nuclear, Particle and Radiation Physics


Mr OBED SHIRINDA (iThemba LABS/University of the Western Cape)


Characteristic conditions that should be met for two-quasiparticle chiral bands to reach degeneracy were examined using the two-quasiparticle-plus-rotor model for the A ~ 100, 130, 190 mass regions. Previously proposed fingerprints of chirality (like intra- and inter-band B(M1) staggering, energy staggering, etc) were also studied.

Primary author

Mr OBED SHIRINDA (iThemba LABS/University of the Western Cape)


Dr ELENA ATANASSOVA LAWRIE (iThemba LABS) Mr LUKISI PAULUS MASITENG (iThemba LABS/University of the Western Cape) Prof. ROBERT LINDSAY (University of the Western Cape)

Presentation Materials

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